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The Kyocera Museum of Fine Ceramics As part of our cultural activities, The Kyocera Museum of Fine Ceramics, located on the second floor of our global headquarters' building in Kyoto, Japan, was opened to the public in October 1998 The museum showcases the evolution of Kyocera's fine ceramic technology since the company's founding in 1959Improve living conditions for Cubans by expanding existing authorizations for grants and humanitarianrelated services;Example To expand 3 (ab) we multiply 3 by (ab) to get 3a 3b

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NBC fall premieres set Hubble repair begins Ramping up roof solar Remembered as 'hero' Multiyear movie deal Cuba nixes import tax Flags to honorShrinking 短語和例子 縮短差距 narrow the gap (between and );注:本文由純淨天空篩選整理自Kanchan_Ray大神的英文原創作品 Seeking a unique match of elements in R Programming – charexpand() Function。非經特殊聲明,原始代碼版權歸原作者所有,本譯文的傳播和使用請遵循"署名相同方式共享 40 國際 (CC BYSA 40)"協議。

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History Articulated by Cyril Northcote Parkinson as part of the first sentence of an essay published in The Economist in 1955 and since republished online, it was reprinted with other essays in the book Parkinson's Law The Pursuit of Progress (London, John Murray, 1958) He derived the dictum from his extensive experience in the British Civil Service A current form of the law is not the Description Welcome to Idea Groups Expanded!Exert vigorously or to full capacity;


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